An old man from the portuguese fraguesia Aldeia da Mata suggested me to have a walk around ‘Tapadao’ dolmen, not too far from the village. He said that I could experience the megalithic monument from 3000 BC.

Walking along the earthy winding trail of the landscape I found a big tree next to a long concrete path indicated with two tilted walls.

Curious about what would be at the end, I took this direction that led me literally into to earth, to an underground space.

Here I found the site cloister that preserves the cultural heritage and historical significance of the dolmen.

After going through the entrance, a series of leaning curved walls defined a mysterious area. I sat in one concrete block and looked up the ceiling suspended from certain points. I could feel in my face the light coming through a small cut in the earth. The same light that illuminated the walls and with the reflexion, the space.

Slowly I turned my head down and I discovered several corridors in between the walls. Investigating the space, I walked towards one of this passages, moved by the light at the end of the stairs. Suddenly an opening in the wall led me to an exhibition room. All about history an culture was explained there, and through a high window I could see the landscape and the dolmen at the same time.

I went back to the central area. Walking towards the next corridor, I found another opening in the wall. Suddenly I was outside. Feeling only the sky above me and the peace of a layer of water. I sat there and the time just pased by…

I walked out and through the steps I came up to the landscape. Not so far I spotted the dolmen. I walked in that direction and suddenly I had a déjà vu.